Audio Equalizer

Audio : Battar by EOTO (CC Attribution 3.0)

  width     = 900
  height    = 200
  barsWidth = 800
  bands     = 16
  bars      = 8

  # Create model and transform so we can see the frequency bands
  model = seen.Models.default()
    .scale(barsWidth/bands, barsWidth/bands, barsWidth/bands)
    .translate(-barsWidth/2*1.2, -100, -100)

  # Create bar colors
  colors =
    low  : new seen.Material(seen.Colors.hsl(0.3, 0.8, 0.5, 0.6))
    med  : new seen.Material(seen.Colors.hsl(0.1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.6))
    high : new seen.Material(seen.Colors.hsl(0.0, 0.7, 0.6, 0.6))

  # Create the frequency band array of shapes
  freqBands = []
  for f in [0...bands]
    freqBands.push [0...bars].map (b) ->
      shape = seen.Shapes.unitcube().scale(1, 0.35, 1).translate(f*1.2, b*0.42, 0)
      shape.visible = if b/bars < 0.5 then colors.low
      else if b/bars < 0.7 then
      else colors.high
      return shape

  # Create scene and add shape to model
  scene = new seen.Scene
    cullBackfaces : false
    model         : model
    viewport      :, height)

  # Create render context from canvas. Render at its own speed.
  seen.Context('seen-canvas', scene).animate().start()

  # Update the scene with the frequency information
  updateScene = (array) ->
    for val,i in array
      vali = Math.floor(val * bars / 256)
      for bar, b in freqBands[i]
        bar.fill(if vali >= b then bar.visible else null)

  audio = document.getElementById('seen-audio')
  getContextWhenReady audio, (audioContext) ->
    # Create audio processors
    audioSource   = audioContext.createMediaElementSource(audio)
    audioScript   = audioContext.createScriptProcessor(512)
    audioAnalyser = audioContext.createAnalyser()
    audioAnalyser.smoothingTimeConstant = 0.2
    audioAnalyser.fftSize = 32

    # Connect audio to speaker output

    # Pipe audio through analyser

    # Update array with frequency data and update scene
    # Pin the listener in memory otherwise it will be garbage collected in chrome
    array = new Uint8Array(audioAnalyser.frequencyBinCount)
    audioScript.addEventListener 'audioprocess', window.memoryPin = (e) ->